closeup white woman holding tiny tree

The Appeal of Slim Artificial Christmas Trees for Cat Owners

Cat owners love their feline friends. However, their feline friends may love you, but chances are they love those slim artificial Christmas trees even more! Many cat owners find that when the trees go up, their cats start to show a side of their personality that has never been seen before! They may act as though they are fired up and simply want to demolish the tree. And in some cases, they do succeed in demolishing this.

With this being said, for those with cats, it is important that you do get slim artificial Christmas trees or any other type of artificial tree out there. Why is this? There is a slim chance that if a cat were to chew on a real tree, they could ingest poison. Oil, sap and resin are found in real trees, which can be poison to cats when ingested. While it would take a lot of this to poison the cat, you do need to know that even a little bit can cause digestive issues. By having slim artificial Christmas trees, you are avoiding this issue.

Is It Safe to Have a Slim Artificial Christmas Tree with Your Feline Friend?

Cats are naturally going to want to climb things, which is one of the reasons that they are always trying to get into trees! And if you add in the numerous ornaments that are shiny and just hanging there…this is too much temptation even for the most behaved cat.

While you may not be able to stop your cat from getting into the Christmas tree, you can do things to ensure that he or she is safe. Remember, an artificial tree is the best option, while also taking care to avoid hanging ornaments low to the ground that could encourage naughty behavior from your cat. Also, be sure to enforce the idea that the tree is something for the cat to stay away from.